TypeScript vs Javascript: Pros and Cons

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022

Web development languages are like fashion trends, always changing and constantly battling for supremacy. The new hotshot in town is TypeScript, leaving poor old JavaScript feeling outdated and out of style. In this article, I’ll be taking a closer look at both languages and giving you the rundown on their unique features, as well as the pros and cons of each. Think of it like a fashion face-off, where we pit TypeScript and JavaScript against each other in a heated runway competition. Which language will be crowned the runway queen? Let’s find out!

JavaScript and TypeScript are like a classic duo - like Batman and Robin, Bert and Ernie, or peanut butter and jelly. JavaScript has been the go-to language for building flashy, interactive web applications for what seems like eons, while TypeScript has been lurking in the shadows, waiting for its time to shine. But don’t let TypeScript’s lack of fame fool you - it’s a superset of JavaScript that packs a serious punch. With static typing and other features that make the language more resilient and adaptable, TypeScript has quickly become the new cool kid on the block. It’s like JavaScript’s sophisticated cousin that went to a top university and came back with a Ph.D. in computer science. And since TypeScript is a subset of JavaScript, it’s like having Batman and Robin working together to fight crime - Robin might be the newer, lesser-known sidekick, but he still gets the job done just as well as the caped crusader. Whether you’re a JavaScript devotee or a TypeScript enthusiast, one thing’s for sure - this dynamic duo is here to stay.

TypeScript boasts an array of impressive advantages, but perhaps the most notable lies in its sophisticated type system. By enabling developers to specify the types of variables, parameters, and functions, this powerful tool captures numerous errors at compile-time, allowing for early detection and prevention of bugs. This aspect of TypeScript is reinforced by the tooling provided by leading IDEs like Visual Studio Code, which offer native support for the language. With these robust capabilities, TypeScript elevates the entire development process, facilitating smoother, more stable, and more maintainable code. In addition, the language's enhanced tooling and IDE support provides developers with superior functionality for refactoring, code completion, and other critical development

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language that does not have a built-in type system. In JavaScript, variables can hold any type of value, and this can sometimes lead to bugs and errors that are difficult to track down. It surely can make it more challenging to catch errors related to types, and can sometimes lead to unexpected runtime errors, which has been the source of headache and sleepless nights for many developers. However, JavaScript offers a simple and flexible syntax that can be used to build a wide range of web applications. Additionally, the JavaScript ecosystem is massive, with thousands of libraries, frameworks, and tools available for developers to use.

Another advantage of TypeScript is its support for modern ECMAScript features. TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, which means that it can run on any browser or platform that supports JavaScript. TypeScript includes support for features like async/await, which can make it easier to write asynchronous code. TypeScript also supports features like decorators, which can be used to add behaviour and metadata to classes and functions.

One of the key differences between TypeScript and JavaScript is the way they handle code modularity and reusability. TypeScript offers support for modules, which can be used to encapsulate code and define dependencies between different parts of an application. This can make it easier to write maintainable and scalable code. JavaScript also supports modules, but the syntax and semantics are not as robust as those offered by TypeScript.

That being said, despite some benefits of using TypeScript vs JavaScript as pointed out earlier, there are some minor setbacks in using TypeScript. One of the main challenges is that TypeScript adds an extra layer of complexity to the development process. Developers need to learn the syntax and features of TypeScript, and may need to spend extra time configuring their development environment to work with TypeScript. Developers who are not familiar with TypeScript may need to invest extra time and effort into understanding TypeScript as well as learning the syntax and best practices.

JavaScript has a massive and active developer community, which means that there are thousands of libraries, frameworks, and tools available for developers to use. This can make it easier to find solutions to common problems and to get support from other developers. TypeScript is not, by all means, new to the scene, but JavaScript has been around for decades and a solution is just a Google search away in addition to having more docs, tutorials and resources available. BUT, its a big but here, once developers become familiar with TypeScript, they can take advantage of the many benefits that it offers and this seems to be the case, time and time again.

TypeScript may require more development time than JavaScript because it involves writing types and other additional constructs that are not required in JavaScript. Advanced features in TypeScript such as strong typing, interfaces, and classes, can make the code more complex than JavaScript. This can make it more difficult to read, maintain, and debug for developers who are not familiar with TypeScript. However, the time spent in writing types in TypeScript can save significant development time during debugging and maintenance, creating a leaner and functional code.

In conclusion, both TypeScript and JavaScript have their own strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the needs of the project and the preferences of the development team. While TypeScript can offer many benefits in terms of code quality and scalability, it may not always be the best choice for every project. JavaScript remains a flexible and powerful language that can be used to build a wide range of web applications, it still runs many applications on many different levels of software development.

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